Shutting down

After years of running the websites, I've decided to shut them down. As time has passed, I've found myself playing the game less and my interest and motivation in developing the websites has naturally faded. Without an interest in the game or using the websites anymore, I don't want to pay for the storage and hosting costs and leave the sites to languish.

So what now? has been archived. It will remain up for now but will no longer receive updates or list new versions on the site. A few versions have been skipped due to file size limitations, and all the modified JSON diffs have not been archived and so will 404.

For developers, the archived raw JSON and SQLite definitions files are available to download from the S3 bucket destiny-definitions via Requster Pays. See this page for more details.

The discord and notifications will stay around for now, but some things may not work if they relied on the webiste continuing to update. has been taken down. Because of the size and intellectual property concerns, I won't be offering an archive of the dialogue.

What about Data Explorer?

My most used Destiny website is the Destiny Data Explorer developer tool. As it doesn't actually cost me anything, I'm not shutting it down, but it has been living on borrowed time for a while now, getting slower and slower with each major Destiny content update. I've had a few attempts at rewriting it to make it faster, but I never found the motivation to make much progress.

The site will stay as is (slow, buggy, unmaintained) for now, but is ripe for someone to build something better.

I'm really proud of all these projects that I've made and whatever impact they've had. Building them was not only a fun challenge but also a deeply rewarding experience. I credit these with changing my life in pretty significant ways - It helped me get a visa to stay in the UK, and talking about the architecture of played a big part of me landing my job at Grafana.

Perhaps one day I'll find the juice to revisit these projects. We'll see.

Josh Hunt